Minggu, 18 September 2011

The Ant and The Dove

Once, when drinking at the side of a stream, a thirsty little ant fell into the water and got carried away.
            “Help, help, I cannot get out! Help!” cried the ant.
            Happily a kind bird, a dove, saw the ant’s danger. She plucked a leaf off a tree with her beak, and placed it on to the water just in front of the ant.
            “Get on the leaf, Mr. Ant, and I’ll carry you to safety.”

            The ant quickly climbed on to the leaf, and the dove immediately rose into the air with the leaf in her beak. Three seconds later, the ant was safe and sound on dry land again.
            “Thank you, Mrs. Dove, for saving my life. I’ll never forget what you’ve done this day.”
            “That’s quite all right, Mr. Ant. It is a small matter. Good Bye, and take care you don’t fall in again!”
            “Thank you once again, Mrs. Dove. If ever I can help you, you know I will do so. Good Bye and God Bless You!”

            Some days later, our friend, the ant was searching for food at the bottom of a tree. Suddenly he heard something moving slowly nearby. Looking up he saw a cruel looking man stalking forward toward the tree. He had a big gun which he kept pointed up in the air, ready to shoot.

            “I think he is going to shoot birds,” thought the ant, at the same time glancing up into the tree. How horrified our friend must have felt, for at the moment he caught sight of his friend the Dove. The Dove who had saved his life only a few days ago!

            Quickly, and with all his strength, the ant ran up the tree, calling the bird.
            “Fly away, Mrs. Dove! There’s a man going to shoot at you. Fly away, quick, fly away!”

            The bird recognized her friend the ant, and in a twinkle she had spotted the man with the big gun. Danger!
            “Thank you, Mr. Ant, You’ve saved my life.”

            And the bird was out of sight in a moment. What a disappointment for the cruel man with the big gun.
            “Well, I never!” he grumbled. “How did the bird know I was here? I was so quiet!”

            The ant was so happy because he had been able to warn his friend in time, and sso save the bird from a horrible death.

“Now, I am the happiest ant in the world.”

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